Winter City Round Up

Thoughts, ideas, challenges, and projects from winter cities around the globe.

After our recent engagement process in the three Wintermission cities, we curated useful content to learn more about winter.

Here are some interesting articles to support the three teams’ work towards the implementation of pilot projects and future development of each city’s winter strategy.

Snow Defines Us as A Country

A helpful reminder of how winter brings joy and communities together. “Neighbourhoods draw in and embrace the shared moments of community experience. Falling snow ignores boundaries. It is there for all, serenely democratic if you will.”

Why U.S. Cities Should Stop Whining and Embrace Winter

Alexandre Lange shares how cities are celebrating winter with unique urban design and public space programming, with reference to our very-own Wintermission program.

Why Cities, Not Individuals, Should Clear Snow From Sidewalks

A call to action for cities to follow Syracuse, NY in taking responsibility for keeping sidewalks clear – especially in priority areas.

Other Definitions of “Wintry Mix”

“The community of single gloves living inside the lost-and-found box.”

What It Takes to Keep the Lights On in Extremely Cold Weather

There are no easy fixes, but there are some key investments and upgrades that cities can make to keep things going when the weather gets rough.

Chicago Handles Extreme Cold Like No Other City

An inside look at how 11 distinct agencies in Chicago collaborate to keep people warm, safe, and moving during the wildest winter weather.

What It’s Like to Bike at 20 Below

Winter cycling is for everyone – “It’s just a matter of bringing the proper clothes, equipment, and attitude.”

How Sneckdowns Can Help Us Create Complete Streets

This 12-second video shows how snow reveals the potential to repurpose underused public space into vibrant people space

Grīziņkalna centrālais laukumsAvotu, Asara un Lienes ielas krustojums šobrīd ir bīstams gājējiem un grūti saprotams autovadītājiem, bet varētu būt Grīziņkalna apkaimes centrālais laukums. Sniegs ļoti uzskatāmi parāda, ka krustojums tiek izmantots neefektīvi, pārāk daudz telpas ir atdots transportam.#sneckdown – paņem labāko no ziemas: apkaime Grīziņkalns Pāvila Draudze Rī

Posted by Pilsēta cilvēkiem on Wednesday, February 6, 2019


‘Rink Social’ Pilot Launches Community Place-Making Effort

Not just for skating and hockey, an innovative program in Toronto turns ice rinks into community hubs.

More reading on Sneckdowns


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