
Active Transportation Masterplan (ATMP)

Project Objective

The goal of the community engagement process is to better understand the current barriers to, and opportunities for, active transportation throughout Caledon. 

Info / Share
  • Date: June-Dec 2022
  • Location: Caledon
  • Partners/Funder: Town of Caledon

8 80 Cities has partnered with the Town of Caledon to begin a community engagement process that will inform the upcoming Active Transportation Masterplan (ATMP). The ATMP will identify an All Ages All Abilities (AAA) network of safe walking and cycling facilities that supports active transportation all year round.   

In Phase One of community engagement, from June to December 2022, 8 80 Cities and the Town of Caledon have brought an equity-based approach to community engagement by going to where the community gathers. With this approach, we met with a range of diverse audiences whose perspectives informed this engagement summary report.

Community engagement in Phase One sought to:  

  • Engage the community in multiple and inclusive ways including hosting a survey, visiting the community where they gather, reaching older adults, children, and other underrepresented communities  

  • Create a one-stop location for project information, events, dates, opportunities for feedback 

  • Establish the Community Steering Committee (CSC) to help guide the development of the community engagement approach, provide feedback on findings and support in future engagement phases  

  • The CSC is comprised of residents of Caledon and:  

  • Roots Community Services 

  • Brown Girls Outdoor World 

  • Caledon Pride  

  • Access Alliance  

  • Toronto Centre of Active Transportation  

  • Over 130 people took part in the public survey  

Crafted a community vision: The Town of Caledon is a place that prioritizes the safety of seniors, newcomers and youth through investment in safe, connected and accessible active transportation infrastructure that prioritizes equity, access and equal investments town wide.   

Subsequent phases:  

Engagement Phase 2 will focus on updating the CSC, TAC, and Town partners like staff and councilors on the engagement findings thus far, and presenting and obtaining feedback on the draft active transportation network. Phase 2 will feature a survey with an interactive map that will be informed by Alta+ Planning and Design’s findings. Phase 2 will also host virtual and in-person workshop interactive workshops. 

Engagement Phase Three is where the community’s ideas gathered throughout the engagement phases are tested in real-time using 8 80 Cities’ proven TASTE framework. The value that 8 80 Cities’ approach to community engagement brings to the table is in the ability to test out concepts and designs affordably, quickly, and based on evidence – we call this the power of pop-ups! 

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