24 Nov Press Release: AIPH Partners With 8 80 Cities In Support Of The World’s First Global “Living Green” Awards
The International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) is proud to announce its partnership with 8 80 Cities in support of the AIPH World Green City Awards.
Enhancing public space for the wellbeing of all urban residents is a common vision shared by both AIPH and 8 80 Cities. There is arguably no better way to enhance the public realm than by bringing plants and nature back into the everyday lives of urban citizens through the implementation of nature-based solutions and urban greening initiatives.
Urban green spaces have the potential to significantly contribute to the building of healthy and cohesive urban communities and ensure that our cities are resilient to the many shocks that we are increasingly projected to face. It is increasingly recognized that plants and nature play a critical role in enhancing the quality of life of urban residents. This partnership aligns the visions of both AIPH and 8 80 Cities in order to enable transformative action and accelerate the transition to greener, healthier, and more liveable cities.
“At AIPH, our ethos is one where partnerships are central to the success of our various programme areas. 8 80 Cities brings a wealth of expertise to the network of supporting partners for the AIPH World Green City Awards. We are thrilled to be working together to demonstrate best practice in greening urban public spaces in the hope of inspiring accelerated action by cities in the coming decade,”- Mr. Tim Briercliffe, Secretary General, AIPH.
The AIPH World Green City Awards seek to recognize public initiatives relying on greater use of plants and nature to create better city environments – helping to fulfil local aspirations for improved economic, social and environmental resilience. The awards celebrate innovation, achievement, and commitment to the globally recognized imperative to embrace nature-based solutions that harvest the power of plants and associated ecosystems services to help address the major challenges facing cities today – or tomorrow.
With support from 8 80 Cities, the AIPH World Green City Awards will be strengthened and enhanced in terms of their capacity to attract local government leaders and invite high-quality entries from leading cities who are committed to taking action to harness the benefits of “living green.” “We’re excited to support and partner with AIPH to amplify and highlight the importance of urban nature, plant life, and greenspace in creating healthier and more livable communities for all.”- Amanda O’Rourke, Executive Director, 8 80 Cities.
AIPH has, since 1948, united horticultural producers in an international community that thrives to this day. AIPH, as the world’s champion for the power of plants, supports the work of their grower associations globally and together they champion a prosperous industry, growing plants that enhance lives, advance societies, and sustain our planet for this generation and the next. AIPH strives to reignite and uphold an appreciation of plants that they believe is basic human instinct.
AIPH leads global thinking on the successful integration of nature into the built environment. The AIPH Green City programme promotes awareness of the urgent need for urban greening. Plants and nature form the foundation on which our increasingly urban lives depend. Through its Green City programme, AIPH advocates for the essential role of plants in creating vibrant urban areas and aim to develop an international standard for green cities as well as being a focal point for green city best practice and a source of expertise.
8 80 Cities is a non-profit organization that brings citizens together to enhance mobility and public space so that together they can create more vibrant, healthy, and equitable communities. 8 80 Cities if founded on the belief that if everything they do in our cities is great for an 8-year-old and an 80-year-old, then it will be great for all people. Thus, 8 80 Cities’ vision is to create safe and happy cities that prioritize all people’s well-being.
The goal of 8 80 Cities is to help create resilient communities where people are actively engaged and fairly represented in their city while acknowledging that in order to do this they need to involve as many perspectives as possible in the process of city building. 8 80 Cities recognizes that changing cities starts by harnessing exceptional new ideas and taking action. 8 80 Cities collaborates for impact and seeks to co-develop meaningful partnerships with diverse organizations looking to improve the quality of life in their community.
“We are excited to see 8 80 Cities come on board as a supporting partner for the inaugural edition of the AIPH World Green City Awards. Harnessing the power of plants in the urban context is perfectly suitable for 8-year-olds and 80-year-olds, and everyone around them in cities.”- Dr. Audrey Timm, Technical Advisor, AIPH
As AIPH and 8 80 Cities come together to jointly support the ambitious actions of cities for nature, both organizations acknowledge the power of partnerships and the value of collaboration. By harnessing this power, they seek to inspire city authorities to transform urban areas for the benefit of plants, nature, humans, and ultimately the planet. This partnership lays the foundation for enhancing the potential of the AIPH World Green City Awards and paves the way for sustained collaboration in the future.
Does your city have a bold vision of being greener, healthier, and more livable? Are you implementing urban nature-based solutions to enhance the public realm and build the resilience of your city in response to the growing urban challenges our urban areas face? Find out more about the AIPH World Green City Awards and how to enter here.
For further details contact:
Dr. Audrey Timm, Ph.D. MCIHort, AIPH Technical Advisor
Email: audrey.timm@aiph.org
Rachel Wakefield, AIPH Communications Executive
Email: rachel.wakefield@aiph.org