11 Jan #TBT: Red Deer Mobility Playbook
In 2013 8 80 Cities led a project to identify strategies and actions needed to provide residents of Red Deer, Alberta, with more mobility choices, and a better quality of life.
The outcome is the Red Deer Mobility Playbook, a user-friendly tool for action and positive change in Red Deer. The Playbook is one of many outcomes of the Integrated Movement Study which used a multifaceted approach to engage Red Deer residents.
The City of Red Deer coordinated “speaker series” events and workshops with the community on the topics of walkability, placemaking, transit, and complete streets from September 2011 to May 2012. The City rolled out a comprehensive transit survey, collected extensive feedback on the Commuter Bike Pilot Project, and the Ross St. Experiment. In addition to city-led initiatives, 8 80 Cities conducted focus groups and workshops with community members to help inform the creation of the Mobility Playbook.
The Playbook is inspired by a traditional sports playbook and has three chapters:
ready – why Red Deer is ready for integrated mobility;
set – existing opportunities and challenges; and
go! – the key plays that in unison will help the city create a more balanced, sustainable and integrated transportation system for all Red Deerians.
The Playbook included an analysis of current mobility options in Red Deer and concluded with a series of five recommendations or ‘plays’ that would have the most impact on Red Deer’s mobility behaviours.